Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wed, Oct 26, 1960

74°/80°  6.26/5.42
Up at 6.00 and watched chemistry till 6.30 while I had a cup of coffee.  Then watched Mathematics till 1.00 and then Dave Garroway.
Had orange juice, cheese and coffee for breakfast.
Cloudy most of day with showers a couple of times.
Went for a swim this noon.  It was quite rough.
Had pumpernickel & soup for lunch.  Tillie made molasses crinkles this afternoon.
I put in an outside outlet on the East side of patio.
I finished at 5.15.
Tillie wrote a letter in afternoon.
In Eve. We went to Howells, when we had a birthday party on Hilda Linden.  It rained a little going down, but moon was out when we went into the house.  We sat talking politics till coffee was ready.  It began raining and it really came down hard.
We said goodby to the Howells and wished Hilda a happy birthday.  She is 78.
It was raining when we left and rained all the way home, sometimes so hard we couldn’t see the road.
In Lake Worth, streets were flooded Even S. Dixie was covered from curb to curb in some places.  My brakes got wet, so brakes didn’t hold.  Side streets were flooded.  In Monroe Heights we had .15 of an inch of rain; that’s all.

Dave Garroway (1913-1982), was a TV pioneer, the first host of NBC's Today Show which he left that in 1961, after having begun it in 1952.

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